Member Profile
User Avatar -> Settings
Last updated
User Avatar -> Settings
Last updated
The member profile section enables members to personalize their account settings. Members can update their personal profile, view organization details, reset passwords, and view permissions assigned to them.
To access your profile settings, click on your avatar icon in the top right corner of the header section. A dropdown menu with two options will appear.
(a) Settings
(b) Sign out
Click on the "Settings" option to access the details.
Through settings, a user can access the following for options
My Account Under "My Account," users can update their personal details, configure multi-factor authentication, and set personalized password policies.
My Organization Under "My Organization", users can view and edit the organization's details provided they have the right permissions to do so. Users can also switch across different organizations.
Security This option provides access to password reset settings and active session details.
Permissions This option allows users to view access to various applications and context-based permissions.