Account Owner

You access various ViewZen Products, Solutions and features as under

  • Create your own account. Users who sign up through our Sign-Up page automatically become the owner of their account.

  • Join an existing account. Users who receive an invitation from an existing account owner or by other authorized users of an account can join as members, with a specific role assigned within that account.

As the account owner, you can invite users to join your organization and manage organization and user policies for your account. In short, you have complete authority over your account, with full access and control to manage it as you deem fit.

As a member of an account, you can perform specific activities authorized for your role within that account.

Account Owner Can


Add users & Roles

New users can be invited to join the organization and assigned the roles of Administrator, Creator, Viewer or a Custom Role. To learn more about the roles, please refer to "Roles and Permissions".


Lock a User

Locking a user account means that the user can no longer access the organisation.


Create User Groups and Add User(s) to a User Group

New User Groups can be created, and users can be added to them.


Create Policies

Create organization level policies such as Password and Data Privacy and Security.


Keep an eye on Security

View active sessions of users in your organization and terminate or close the suspicious ones.


Grant Application Permissions

Grant users / user groups permissions to access various applications and solutions.


Create Contexts and Context based Permissions

Create Contexts and assign context based permissions to users and user groups.


Manage API Keys

Create new keys for secure authentication and providing access to ViewZen resources. Revoke existing keys when they are no longer needed or pose a security risk.

Should I create my own account or join an existing account?

The decision depends on your purpose. If your goal is to explore various products, solutions, and features for either personal or organizational needs, you should create an account. This will provide you with unrestricted access to all features available for such registered users.

If you represent an organization and plan to use the products, solutions, and features for organizational purposes, you should create an account. This will allow you to use the application or solution you've developed by simply inviting other users to join your account.

However, if you only need to perform specific tasks based on your role within your organization, you should not create an account but rather join your organization’s existing account as a member.

What is the difference between creating and account or joining an account?

Each account in ViewZen functions as an independent unit. Joining an account means becoming a member of that account. When you create an account, you automatically become its member, meaning you have already joined the account.

As an analogy, you can think of an account as a house. When you build a house, you are the owner and a member of that house. Other members of your family or acquaintances can live in your or access the resources of your house in the way you permit, based on the roles you assign them.

Can I own multiple accounts?

Yes. You can create multiple accounts, but each account must be registered with a unique email ID or mobile number. Each account is a separate unit and does not share resources directly with other accounts, except for its members i.e., users can join/ be members of multiple accounts.

Is it possible to manage multiple accounts using a single email ID or mobile number?

Yes, with a unique email ID or mobile number, you can access all the accounts where you are a member. While you can only be the owner of one account with the same email ID or mobile number, you can join or become a member of multiple accounts. Using a single sign-on, you can access all the accounts of which you are a member.

How can I join an existing account?

Joining an existing account is only possible by invitation. If the owner or an authorized member of the organization invites you—through an invitation email or SMS—you can become a member by clicking the link provided in the invitation.

What Applications Can I Access as an Account Owner?

As an account owner, you can access all applications available under a free trial if you do not have a subscription. If you have an active subscription, you will have access to the applications included in your plan.

You can access the following three applications:

  1. ViewZen Analytics – A suite of tools for designing and publishing dashboards and portals, enabling compelling storytelling with your data.

  2. Appverse – A multi-platform application designed to automate and deploy complex business processes efficiently.

Last updated