Get Familiar
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Before creating powerful and dynamic forms in Appverse, it’s essential to get familiar with the Form and its key elements. Understanding these key elements will help you design forms efficiently irrespective of the mode of form creation.
In this section, we will explore the following key elements of any Form
Form Fields
Form fields can be broadly categorized into three main types.
✅ Basic Form Fields ✅ Advanced Form Fields ✅ Grouping Fields
The following basic form fields can be added to an Appverse form
Text Input Fields
Numeric Fields
Numeric, Decimal
Selection Fields
Single Select, Multi Select
Date and Time Pickers
Date, Time, Date & Time
Static Text Fields
The following advanced form fields can be added to an Appverse form
File Types
Document, Image, Audio, Video
Geo Types
Geopoint, Geotrace, Geoshape
Acknowledge, Calculate
The following grouping fields can be added to an Appverse form
Singular Group, Repeating Groups
Properties can be attached to each form field to define its appearance and behaviour. In Appverse, the properties have been classified into the following types
General Setings
Defines the field’s name and provides guidance for input.
Provides additional instructions for users.
Ensures correct input with character limits, and pattern matching.
Controls the visual appearance.
Controls field visibility or behavior based on user input.
Search Settings
Controls basic search fields and mode of search.
Ensures data privacy and protection including conforming to GDPR, HIPPA compliance.
Automatically computes values based on formulas.
List of Values
Predefined selection options which can be based on static or dynamic lists (i.e. list from another form data, APIs etc.)